Install Guest Tools on XCP-ng

On AlmaLinux, the guest-tool for XCP-ng is provided by a package named xe-guest-utilities-latest, which in turn is available from the epel-release repository. The following list a few steps to get XCP-ng guest-tool installed on a VM running AlmaLinux 9. Enable epel-release repository if not yet enabled by first installing a package called epel-release. In my case, the repo has been already enabled. [root@xoa1 ~]# rpm -q epel-release epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch Install the guest-tool....

October 16, 2023 · 2 min · 253 words · Kenno

What is in a Longhorn volume?

Do you know? Well, before today, neither did I. I’m pretty late to Kubernetes. I heard about it many hears ago, but unfortunately, I had no need to use it at home or at work. Even today, there is no workload that requires a Kubernetes cluster to run on. However, I think I can’t ignore Kubernetes any longer, and I need to learn about it now, well “better be late than never”, right?...

October 15, 2023 · 2 min · 262 words · kenno

warning: TERM environment variable set to 'tmux-256color'

I use ’tmux’ on anything that runs it, from FreeBSD, macOS and Linux. On some of my Linux servers, noticeably openSUSE ones, when I connect to them via SSH, I would receive the following warning: ... Have a lot of fun... warning: Could not set up terminal. warning: TERM environment variable set to 'tmux-256color'. warning: Check that this terminal type is supported on this system. warning: Using fallback terminal type 'ansi'....

October 12, 2023 · 1 min · 195 words · kenno

Grow partition with growpart

During the upgrade of Fedora 38 to Fedora 39 (beta) on my main desktop, the first attempt failed due to insufficient free disk space on the root volume. After some manual intervention such as vacuuming the journald logs, I was able to perform the successful upgrade. Not that it matters, but I’m writing this blog post on the same desktop running Fedora 39 Beta. This post is to record how I increase the root volume on my desktop with the help of a few tools such as growpart, lsblk, resize2fs,…etc....

October 6, 2023 · 4 min · 852 words · kenno

How to delete Lightsail resources using AWS CLI

In this post, I’ll document how to use AWS CLI to delete a few Lightsail resources. I have never done this before, so this would be a good exercise for me. To make it less boring, I’m writing this post while I’m deleting these resources. First step, I need to look for the instance name [1]. ❯ aws lightsail get-instances --query 'instances[].name' [ "WordPress-1" ] The above output is the name of the instance I’d like to delete....

October 5, 2023 · 3 min · 464 words · kenno