While checking the root partition on my desktop today, I noticed that its usage is at 89% with just 6GiB free. For this reason, I wanted to find out what’s consuming most spaces and whether I can clean it up a bit.

# df -h /
Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora_watamem-root   56G   47G  6.3G  89% /

The first two commands that come to my mind are du and ncdu. In this post, I’ll use ncdu to investigate the disk usages on the ‘/’ partitions.

According to the man(ual) page of ncdu, we can pass -x option to instruct ncdu to not cross filesystem boundaries. Hence to check the disk usage for /, I can run the following command:

# ncdu -x /

Here is the output:

cdu 1.17 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- / -----------------------------------------------------------
   25.4 GiB [#####################] /usr
   19.5 GiB [################     ] /var
    1.8 GiB [#                    ] /opt
  143.4 MiB [                     ] /root
   46.9 MiB [                     ] /etc
  736.0 KiB [                     ] /srv
e  16.0 KiB [                     ] /lost+found
   12.0 KiB [                     ] /mnt
e   4.0 KiB [                     ] /media
e   4.0 KiB [                     ] /docker
e   4.0 KiB [                     ] /afs
e   4.0 KiB [                     ] /.cache
@   0.0   B [                     ]  lib64
@   0.0   B [                     ]  sbin
@   0.0   B [                     ]  lib
@   0.0   B [                     ]  bin

Using the up and down arrow keys, I can navigate on each line, and hit the enter key when I want to drill down to the sub directories.

In my case, I found out that /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/fedora-a3256cee7c7d69ad consumes about 7.0 GiB. This directory can be cleaned up as I already successfully upgraded this desktop to Fedora 37 (beta).

ncdu 1.17 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    7.0 GiB [##############] /fedora-a3256cee7c7d69ad
  289.0 MiB [              ] /rpmfusion-nonfree-53006c82d9a8b278
  143.9 MiB [              ] /code-1a27fa61fdd77ffb
   86.8 MiB [              ] /google-chrome-6ed7e4f336f6863c
   53.2 MiB [              ]  fedora-filenames.solvx
   51.9 MiB [              ] /rpmfusion-free-368ecaf16d0ab606
   24.9 MiB [              ]  fedora.solv
   24.5 MiB [              ]  code-filenames.solvx
    4.0 MiB [              ] /fedora-modular-04280d7da8729cb0
    2.2 MiB [              ]  fedora-modular-filenames.solvx
    1.9 MiB [         ┌───Item info──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  952.0 KiB [         │                                                          │
  628.0 KiB [         │  Name: fedora-a3256cee7c7d69ad                           │
  536.0 KiB [         │  Path: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade                       │
  496.0 KiB [         │  Type: Directory                                         │
  472.0 KiB [         │                                                          │
  292.0 KiB [         │     Disk usage:   7.0 GiB (7,568,142,336 B)              │
  188.0 KiB [         │  Apparent size:   7.0 GiB (7,538,167,991 B)              │
  112.0 KiB [         │                                                          │
   44.0 KiB [         │                              Press i to hide this window │
   44.0 KiB [         └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
   44.0 KiB [              ] /brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com_x86_64_-d55d330619c02b48
   36.0 KiB [              ] /updates-fd4d3d0d1c34d49a
   28.0 KiB [              ] /copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:fcsm:cryfs-12590adf66eeef1b
   16.0 KiB [              ]  brave-browser-rpm-release.s3.brave.com_x86_64_.solv
   12.0 KiB [              ]  fedora-cisco-openh264.solv

Note, to display the ‘Item info’, highlight on directory or file and hit the ‘i’ key.

Okay, let’s clean up this fedora-a3256cee7c7d69ad directory, and verify it.

# dnf system-upgrade clean
Cleaning up downloaded data...

# df -h /
Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora_watamem-root   56G   40G   14G  74% /

Alright, the / partition has 14 GiB available free space, and I’m happy with this for now.
