How to delete Memcached cluster using AWS CLI

If you have an ElastiCache Memcached cluster that you no longer need, it’s better to delete it. Dno’t believe me? Even AWS said so too: It is almost always a good idea to delete clusters that you are not actively using. Until a cluster’s status is deleted, you continue to incur charges for it. [1] Well, I have a Memcached cluster that I don’t need anymore. But instead of deleting this cluster using AWS console [1], I’m going to do this via AWS CLI....

September 29, 2023 · 2 min · 326 words · kenno

Deleting VPC Endpoints With AWS CLI

This is a quick note on how to delete VPC endpoints that are no longer needed with AWS CLI. First, we need to find all the vpc-endpoints-ids [1]. ❯ aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --query 'VpcEndpoints[].VpcEndpointId' [ "vpce-097008f8d26caxxxx", "vpce-07aaeabdefd8xxxx", "vpce-0bc6d548ff2e0xxxx" ] Note: I replaced the last 4 digit with ‘xxxx’. It’s a good idea to try out without really deleting the VPC endpoints by supplying --dry-run to the command below: ❯ aws ec2 delete-vpc-endpoints --vpc-endpoint-ids vpce-097008f8d26caxxxx vpce-07aaeabdefd8xxxx vpce-0bc6d548ff2e0xxxx --dry-run An error occurred (DryRunOperation) when calling the DeleteVpcEndpoints operation: Request would have succeeded, but DryRun flag is set....

September 27, 2023 · 1 min · 166 words · kenno

How to extract a zip archive with Python on Windows

Have you ever been asked or wonder how to learning a programming language? If not, then you can skip this blog post. :-) At work, a coworker said to me “I want to learn a programming language. Where do I start or how do I even start it?” I was asked this question because I had explicitly expressed my interest to my teams that I like programming a lot, though programming is not being used my professional career at the moment....

September 26, 2023 · 3 min · 466 words · kenno

Installing Ingress-Nginx Controller with Helm

In my previous post, I showed how to install helm CLI on a server/instance running AlmaLinux 9. Now, I will share how to use helm to install the Ingress-Nginx Controller for a Kubernetes cluster. We install a package known as “chart” from a Helm repository. Initially, there is no repo, and can be seen below: $ helm repo list Error: no repositories to show In order to install Ingress-Nginx Controller, I first need to add a new repository....

September 26, 2023 · 2 min · 374 words · kenno

Installing HELM Cli on AlmaLinux 9

Recently, I decided to pick up learning Kubernetes again after completely being absent from this world for many years. In this post, I’ll document how to install Helm CLI on AlmaLinx 9. Helm is like a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm CLI can be installed on your local machine, it does not to be installed on the Kubenetes node. However, in order to interact with your Kubernetes cluster, you’ll need to also have kubectl command as well as properly configured it to interact with your Kubernetes cluster....

September 26, 2023 · 1 min · 206 words · kenno