After waiting about four or five months, I finally could get a hold of my new phone. The phone was purchased in Cambodia as a gift from my brothers. I would like to thank three of them who had put some efforts in making my wishes come true. In addition, a big thank also goes to my girlfriend for delivering the phone to me.

In fact, e360i phone is a pretty old model. It was manufactured by Motorola as one of their first mobile phones running Linux as the operating system. About a year a half ago, Ed, a friend of mine from New Zealand, introduced me to his phone.  He urged that I should get one, as well as convinced me that this phone was way better than my Nokia ones. Guess what? I should have believed him, this phone is awesome, entertaining, functioning and butt-kicking. So, Ed, thank you a lot too dude, if you happen to read this post. I appreciate also that you spent time teaching me all the nice tip and trick about e680i.

I’m still learning how to use it, explore it, and hopefully I could start writing some useful programs for this platform soon. As for now, here is the snapshot of my e680i:
