Tonight is the first time I began to code a small program in C# again since my graduation in April ‘06. It’s just because I was away from Windows PC, and it’s not easy do a GUI application with Mono on Mac. So it’s not that I hate C# or anything. Anyway, I just installed Visual Studio .Net 2005 Profession edition (non-commercial use) on my home PC, and I encountered a never-seen-before (to me at least) error straight away when I tried to debug/build the program. Well, google search pointed me to a solution to this problem.

Here is the summary of why I got the above error. Well, Visual Studio 2005 debugger relies on “Terminal Services service”, the so-called process listing. I have disabled the Terminal Services as I didn’t need its service, and that’s why it caused the problem. If you wanna read more through exaplaination, visit this link: Explaining ‘The Binding Handle Is Invalid’.

Therefore, in order to this problem, all it needs to be done is to enable the Terminal Services in Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services. Or, you can visit this link for step by step guide: Troubleshooting the “The Binding Handle Is Invalid” error in Visual Studio 2005.