Well, I need FreebSD 9 source to compile fusefs-kmod, which is required by gvfs, which’s in turn required by xfce.

A lot of people recommend to use sysinstall to add the so called userland sources.

sysinstall -> Configure -> Distribution -> src

However, it didn’t work!!

Thanks to wblock@[1] who pointed out that “sysinstall is mostly dead” and suggested a few ways to get the sources to your system. One of them is:

Download the tar file that matches the version you installed. In my case it’s amd64:

# wget ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/9.0-RELEASE/src.txz

Unpack the archive to /usr/src:

# tar -C / -xvzf src.txz

[1] http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=29172