Ever since this SuSE 10.1 installed, I could never once run F-Spot. I couldn’t remember what is the version of F-Spot that originally comes with SuSE 10.1 CDs, but even that one didn’t work. So, I upgraded it to 0.1.1 (the latest version at the time of writing is 0.2.2), but the same problem still remained. This is how it looks like when I run the program:

kenno@localhost:~> f-spot
Starting new FSpot server
System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
in  System.Int32:Parse (System.String s)
in  MetaItem:get_ValueAsInt ()
in  FSpot.Database.Updater:Run (.Db database)
in  Db:Init (System.String path, Boolean create_if_missing)
in  FSpot.Core:.ctor ()
in  FSpot.Driver:Main (System.String[] args)
Starting new FSpot server
Starting new FSpot server
Starting new FSpot server
Starting new FSpot server

On KDE desktop environment, there is also a very good native photo management application called digiKam which I have been using to organize my photos. As most of my times have been spent on school related work, getting the F-Spot running on my Linux box has been a avery low priority. Having said that, I never forgot about it.

Today, I just finished all my exams for this semester, and I decided to dig around in Google to look for the solution. Just like last time, I had no luck with Google. Next I tried to get in touch with the developers of F-Spot project in the #f-spot. Unfortunately, it seemed no one in the IRC channel was awake.

When I was about to give up on this program, I decided to give the last try at SuSE Community forum. I searched for “f-spot can’t start”, and found a few related threads, but most of them were just single post with no answers. However, I found this one which was very helpful. It turned out that the fix was the easiest one ever. All you have to do was to remove the old F-Spot db/configuration file in the home directory (~/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db), restarted the F-Spot, and voilla, it started up like magic!

Now that I got the above issue fixed, I shall find out how to compile F-Spot 0.2.2 to run on SuSE 10.1 next!
