Kenno’s Open Note 👋

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ArgoCD CLI failed to invoke grpc call

When running argocd CLI, the following warning message shown: ➜ argocd app list WARN[0000] Failed to invoke grpc call. Use flag --grpc-web in grpc calls. To avoid this warning message, use flag --grpc-web. NAME CLUSTER NAMESPACE PROJECT STATUS HEALTH SYNCPOLICY CONDITIONS REPO PATH TARGET To suppress this warning message, re-run the login with --grpc-web option. For example: ➜ argocd login argocd.apps.tuaf.local.cluster --grpc-web Username: admin Password: 'admin:login' logged in successfully Context 'argocd....

March 11, 2025 · 1 min · 97 words · kenno

How to revert a single file to its state in main in branch

I want to reset a file stored in a git repo to its state as the main branch, and I kept forgetting how to do this. So here is how, just to remind my future self. ➜ git status On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: kube-prometheus-stack-values....

February 28, 2025 · 1 min · 157 words · kenno

Setting Retention for Kube Prometheus Stack

When deploying the prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack in a k8s cluster, the default retention for Prometheus scrapped data is 10d at the time of this writing or Helm chart kube-prometheus-stack-69.4.1. As a result, the longhorn storage is filled up fast, and caused the Prometheus to crash. So I’d decided to change the retention period to 3 days, and also set retention size to 4GB. To do this, update the values file for the Helm chart with the following values:...

February 25, 2025 · 1 min · 158 words · kenno

How to reset account password for Xen Orchestra

This is a quick note on how to reset the password of user account on the open sourced Xen Orchestra. To reset the password of a user, of course, you’d need to know the user account, e.g. [root@xoa1 xo-server]# cd /opt/xo/xo-server [root@xoa1 xo-server]# ./dist/recover-account-cli.mjs --help xo-server-recover-account <user name or email> If the user does not exist, it is created, if it exists, updates its password, remove any configured OTP and resets its permission to Admin....

February 8, 2025 · 1 min · 145 words · kenno

Running container with Podman Quadlet

Up until recently, my preferred method of creating Podman containers is to use Ansible, and that has been working fine for me. However, I just stumble the new-to-me method called “quadlet”. So far, I really like it, and already started moving some containers to quadlet. To learn more about Quadlet, check out [1]. But, today I’m going to share an example of creating a simple container with Quadlet. In this example, the container whoami is run in rootless mode, under a non-privileged user....

December 17, 2024 · 2 min · 312 words · kenno

How to import ZFS pool with duplicated pool names

If you use ZFS as the file system, you probably already know that tank is the most common name for ZFS pools. That also applies to me, I do name most of my ZFS pools as tank as the default. There is no issue with that name, however, since ZFS’s pool name must be unique, this means I couldn’t import or have multiple ZFS pools with the name tank on a system....

December 14, 2024 · 2 min · 389 words · kenno

How to enable and check linger for a systemd user

“The systemd login manager will terminate any user services when their login session ends unless you enable user lingering with the enable-linger option. Use loginctl with the enable-linger option to configure a user to start during the boot process and prevent the systemd service from terminating when the user session ends.” [1] To enable linger for a user, e.g. kenno, we can run the following command: # loginctl enable-linger kenno I usually ran the above command, and that was it....

December 3, 2024 · 2 min · 293 words · kenno

Accessing host from inside Podman 5.0 container

Sometimes you need to connect to the host from a Podman container running on it. How would you do that? In the past I was able to get this working by connecting to the gateway IP of the container. For example, I have a web server running on the host listening on port 8080. ➜ nc -vz localhost 8080 Ncat: Version 7.92 ( ) Ncat: Connected to Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0....

December 2, 2024 · 2 min · 420 words · kenno

Expand ZFS partition to use entire disk

This is just a quick note to jot down what I did to resize and expand a ZFS partition to entire disk. I never had to do this before; it tured out it was quite easy. First ensure that the autoexpand option is set on the zpool. Then, stop the VM in order to resize the disk volume. [root@phnomaural ~]# zpool set autoexpand=on immich [root@phnomaural ~]# poweroff [root@phnomaural ~]# Connection to phnomaural closed by remote host....

November 12, 2024 · 2 min · 246 words · kenno

Fix container to container DNS lookup failed in Podman OpenSUSE Leap 15.16

I’ve started to running more containers in my homelab with Podman, running inside AlamaLinux. Most of the times, things just worked. However today, I tried to setup similar containers on OpenSUSE Leap 15.16 host, and I came across an issue getting containers to communicate with one another. Well, spoiler alert, I found a solution, hence this blog post. TL;DR - install cni-plugin-dnsname package from cni-plugin-dnsname build service. (No package from the official OpenSUSE repo)....

November 11, 2024 · 3 min · 572 words · kenno