How to restore a VM to its previous state XCP-ng

This evening while I was running the system update on one of the guest VMs running on my XCP-ng host, I accidentally rebooted the XCP-ng host. Why? Accident! The guest VM is very important, it’s running Xen Orchestra for this XCP-ng server. Semi-fortunately, I remember I had a snapshot for this VM. The challenge for me was, how could I restore the VM using that previous snapshot without Xen Orchestra....

January 4, 2024 · 2 min · 216 words · kenno

Install Guest Tools on XCP-ng

On AlmaLinux, th guest-tool for XCP-ng is provided by a packaged call xe-guest-utilities-latest, which in turns available from the epel-release repository. The following list a few steps to get XCP-ng guest-tool installed on a VM running AlmaLinux 9. Enable epel-release repository if not yet enabled by installing a package called epel-release. In my case, the repo has been already enabled. [root@xoa1 ~]# rpm -q epel-release epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch Install the guest-tool. If you’re unable to remember the full name of the package, just saerch for ‘xe-guest’....

October 16, 2023 · 2 min · 253 words · Kenno