Install Hack font on FreeBSD 10

FreeBSD 10 comes with a pkgng package manager which allows to install binary packages faster and easier. Unfortunately, there is no binary package available for hack-font for FreeBSD 10. What is hack-font? It’s a very good font which looks very good for source code. Here’s how to install it from source. Check /usr/ports/x11-fonts to see if there is a directory named hack-font. If not, you might need to download or update the ports first....

August 25, 2016 · 1 min · 127 words · kenno

FreeBSD 10: Shared object '' not found

Today while I was updating py27-m2crypto package on FreeBSD 10 using portmaster, the following error message was displayed: Shared object "" not found, required by "swig" Fortunately, someone else has found the problem and solution before me. According this blog post, FreeBSD 10 includes a new C++ stack and gcc, including libstdc++, is not installed by default. Therefore, to fix the missing this issue, we need to install lang/gcc....

April 25, 2014 · 1 min · 85 words · kenno

Upgrade existing Perl 5.12 to Perl 5.18 on FreeBSD 9

Recently I’ve been trying to update the perl package on my FreeBSD box to the latest version 5.18 without any success. Here’s a snippet of the error message: So I turned to Google to see if other people experienced the same thing as me. According to an answer to a similar question about upgrading perl on, one should read document frequently. Let’s do it. I’m using Portmaster, and I’d like to upgrade from perl5....

October 30, 2013 · 1 min · 118 words · kenno