Stopping hard drive clicking noise on MSI U100

Finally, the OS X has been removed from MSI Wind U100, and completely replaced by Debian (testing). Whenever the computer is idle, the hdd makes this weird clicking noise. To stop it, we can use hdparm to turn it off. ` kenno@tora:~$ sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda Source: MSI Wind – Gentoo Linux Wiki

November 28, 2009 · 1 min · 54 words · kenno

Convert wav to m4a with GNU/Linux

There are probably a gazillion ways to do this. I use FAAC, Freeware Advanced Audio Coder, to do this job. It works very well: <br /> faac originalfile.wav -o outputfile.m4a<br />

July 27, 2009 · 1 min · 31 words · kenno

Pidgin 2.5.5 &#8211; cannot connect to Yahoo messenger

I just noticed the abnormality with Pidgin 2.5.5 (running on Debian) these few days — I couldn’t connect my Yahoo messenger account at all. According to the discussion of Bug #389278 it appears that Yahoo was trying to change its protocol. A quick way to have Pidgin connecting to Yahoo messenger server again is to change the Pager server setting for the Yahoo account in Pidgin. To do this, from Pidgin:...

June 20, 2009 · 1 min · 158 words · kenno