How to remove old kernels on Void linux

I have a Void linux VM which only gets turned on once in every month. Today, when I booted up and updated the packages on this VM, I noticed that there are many old kernels installed. As a seasonal Void user, I had no clue on how to remove older kernels. Fortunately, a quick Google search pointed me to a video: VOID Linux: Removing old kernels with vkpurge. Basically, Void comes with a pre-installed utility program called vkpurge....

July 10, 2021 · 1 min · 196 words · kenno

Pairing Bluetooth Mouse on Gentoo

Just a few a days ago, I wrote a blog post about Pairing Bluetooth Mouse on Command Line on a Fedora laptop. So why do I need to write another post about doing the same thing on Gentoo? Well, as it turned out, I need a bit more than just turning on the bluetooth service and pairing the mouse. My Gentoo’s installation is very minimal, and I think this gives me an excuse to document on how I’d solve or get this working on Gentoo....

September 13, 2020 · 6 min · 1148 words · kenno

Remove Kernels on Fedora

I’m still running Fedora 31 on my main desktop though Fedora 32 beta has been out for a while. The only reason that stops me from jumping to F32 now is because ZFS 0.8.3 is not compatible with the kernel 5.6.* on F32. Rumor has it, ZFS 0.8.4 will support kernel 5.6. Tonight, while doing the system update with sudo dnf update -y on F31 desktop, I noticed that the kernel for F31 is now kernel-5....

April 26, 2020 · 2 min · 217 words · kenno

Gentoo Luks Fails Kernel 5.6

My Gentoo based Linux laptop which is still running the older kernel 5.3.15. A short while back, I had a failed attempt to upgrade the kernel to 5.4.2 as the disk which encrypted with dm-crypt couldn’t be decrypted on boot. Since the older kernel 5.3.15 was working fine and free time was I what I lacked of, it seemed logical to just not doing anything about it. Today while updating all the packages on my Gentoo laptop, I notice there was a newer kernel available: 5....

April 11, 2020 · 3 min · 611 words · kenno

Upgrading Kernel Issues and Fixes on Gentoo

Today I decided to upgrade the kernel (gentoo-sources) from 4.19.64 to 5.2.6 on my old ThinkPad X220. Apart from a few hiccups, everything went quite smoothly. I already have a blog post about upgrading the kernel on Gentoo, so I’ll skip many things here. First, ensure the sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.2.6 is installed: # emerge -av =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.26 After the above package installed, we should be able to list it: ~ ❯❯❯ eselect kernel list Available kernel symlink targets: [1] linux-4....

August 6, 2019 · 1 min · 204 words · kenno