Deploy metrics-server in Kubernetes using Helm

This is a short note on how to install metrics-server using Helm on my k8s cluster. $ kubectl version Client Version: v1.29.3 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 Server Version: v1.29.3 $ helm version --short v3.14.4+g81c902a Before we can install the chart, we will need to add the metrics-server repo to Helm. $ helm repo add metrics-server Update the repo: $ helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories....

April 24, 2024 · 2 min · 262 words · kenno

Installing Ingress-Nginx Controller with Helm

In my previous post, I showed how to install helm CLI on a server/instance running AlmaLinux 9. Now, I will share how to use helm to install the Ingress-Nginx Controller for a Kubernetes cluster. We install a package known as “chart” from a Helm repository. Initially, there is no repo, and can be seen below: $ helm repo list Error: no repositories to show In order to install Ingress-Nginx Controller, I first need to add a new repository....

September 26, 2023 · 2 min · 374 words · kenno

Installing HELM Cli on AlmaLinux 9

Recently, I decided to pick up learning Kubernetes again after completely being absent from this world for many years. In this post, I’ll document how to install Helm CLI on AlmaLinx 9. Helm is like a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm CLI can be installed on your local machine, it does not to be installed on the Kubenetes node. However, in order to interact with your Kubernetes cluster, you’ll need to also have kubectl command as well as properly configured it to interact with your Kubernetes cluster....

September 26, 2023 · 1 min · 206 words · kenno