Installing FreeIPA on CentOS 8

This is my note about installing FreeIPA on a CentOS 8 machine. It’s a bit different from the FreeIPA’s installation on CentOS 7, and most importantly there was a problem I came across during the installation and how to fix it. Configure Static IP [root@utility ~]# nmcli con mod enp1s0 ipv4.addresses \ > ipv4.method manual \ > ipv4.gateway \ > ipv4.dns \ > connection.autoconnect yes [root@utility ~]# nmcli con up enp1s0 Ensure the hostname of this server exists in /etc/hosts....

November 24, 2020 · 4 min · 721 words · kenno

How to Install Ansible on Centos 8

On most Linux distribution, Ansible can be installed either using python3-pip or ansible package. I’m going to show how to get Ansible installed using the second method on CentOS 8. First add the EPEL repository to the CentOS 8 server. # yum localinstall Next, install ansible package: # yum install ansible Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:49 ago on Sun 10 Nov 2019 09:33:22 PM AEDT. Dependencies resolved. ======================================================================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ======================================================================================================================= Installing: ansible noarch 2....

November 9, 2019 · 2 min · 233 words · kenno