I need to stop a WorkSpace now and I don’t want to login to AWS WorkSpace console.

The following is the steps I’m literally taking to achieve this goal.

  1. Find out the WorkSpace ID, assuming that my AWS CLI has been setup correctly.
❯ aws workspaces describe-workspaces
    "Workspaces": [
            "WorkspaceId": "ws-9xm222222",
            "DirectoryId": "d-9767555555",
            "UserName": "kenno",
            "IpAddress": "172.xx.x.xx",
            "State": "AVAILABLE",
            "BundleId": "wsb-clj855555",
            "SubnetId": "subnet-0a4ae4b324a799999",
            "ComputerName": "A-2B99WV33TITAN",
            "WorkspaceProperties": {
                "RunningMode": "AUTO_STOP",
                "RunningModeAutoStopTimeoutInMinutes": 60,
                "RootVolumeSizeGib": 80,
                "UserVolumeSizeGib": 50,
                "ComputeTypeName": "STANDARD",
                "Protocols": [
            "ModificationStates": []
  1. We can see that the WorkSpace ‘ws-9xm222222’ is in AVAILABLE state. To stop this workspace now, run the following command:
❯ aws workspaces stop-workspaces --stop-workspace-requests WorkSpaceId=ws-9xm222222

Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in StopWorkspaceRequests[0]: "WorkSpaceId", must be one of: WorkspaceId

❯ aws workspaces stop-workspaces --stop-workspace-requests WorkspaceId=ws-9xm222222
    "FailedRequests": []

Notice that the CLI option is case sensitive, and I “deliberately” made a mistake with WorkSpaceId to demonstrate this. Hahaha.

  1. We can check the state of the same WorkSpace with:
 ❯ aws workspaces describe-workspaces --region ap-southeast-2 \
 --query 'Workspaces[].{WorkspaceId:WorkspaceId,State:State}'
        "WorkspaceId": "ws-9xm222222",
        "State": "STOPPING"
  1. The output above shown that the Workspace “ws-9xm222222” is in a “STOPPING” state. Eventually, the state of the WorkSpace reported as stopped:
❯ aws workspaces describe-workspaces --region ap-southeast-2 \
--query 'Workspaces[].{WorkspaceId:WorkspaceId,State:State}'
        "WorkspaceId": "ws-9xm222222",
        "State": "STOPPED"

That’s it. It looks like I was able to stop my WorkSpace instance as wished.
