Upgrading from Fedora 18 to 19

I know Fedora 19 is officially released tomorrow; but if you can’t wait to upgrade your machine to the latest release like me, here is the command to do it: One thing I noticed after the upgrade is that, the bottom status bar can’t be found when you hit the system key. The good news is it’s still there; you just need to hit system key + m to have it showed up....

July 2, 2013 · 1 min · 73 words · kenno

Install crontab on CentOS 6

When you install CentOS 6 using minimal CD, a lot of packages aren’t installed by default; <strong>cron</strong> included. To install it, After the installation, you can verify that crond is running:

May 27, 2013 · 1 min · 31 words · kenno

vmware: CD/DVD ROM drive is stuck in connecting mode

As the title says, if the CD/DVD device of your VM is stuck in connecting mode, one thing to try is to shutdown the vSphere client, and restarted it. I found this solution from http://communities.vmware.com/message/1784438, and it worked for me.

February 11, 2013 · 1 min · 40 words · kenno

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function utf8_decode()

This occurs on a FreeBSD server. According to this post[1], I need to install php5-xmlphp5-xml. [1] http://hi.baidu.com/ericyangbj/item/8289a32771e4171d09750856

December 25, 2012 · 1 min · 17 words · kenno

FreeBSD: Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_name()

I just setup Apache and PHP on FreeBSD 9, configured a vhost, then when I tried to access it, I got the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_name() in /srv/www/sugaku.domain.com/inc/init.php on line 144 so apparently, the “session” support is missiong from php5 installation. To fix it, I need to install php5-session port. Let’s do it. # whereis php5-session<br /> php5-session: /usr/ports/www/php5-session<br /> portmaster www/php5-session If the installation is successful, then we can restart apache....

December 25, 2012 · 1 min · 89 words · kenno