Install Ansible on Freebsd

This post briefly explains how to install Ansible on a FreeBSD host. I’m going to install Ansible in a virtual environment using Python 3. (If you still use Python 2, it’s time to start migrating to Python 3 now.) $ sudo pkg install python36 $ mkdir ~/dev/python3-venv $ python3 -m venv ~/dev/python3-venv/ansible Next, activate the Python venv (ansible), and start installing Ansible using pip: $ source ~/dev/python3-venv/ansible $ pip install ansible You may or may not need to update pip module as I did....

February 21, 2019 · 1 min · 138 words · kenno

Upgrading Freebsd 11.2 to 12.0-RELEASE

FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE was released today, and that means it’s time to upgrade 2 of FreeBSD 11.2 machines to this latest version. One of my FreeBSD boxes is a desktop used at work, and the upgrade went well without any issues. In this post, I’m going to document how the upgrade is done on my nas server at home. First ensure that the FreeBSD is up to date: root@nas:~ # freebsd-update fetch src component not installed, skipped Looking up update....

December 12, 2018 · 4 min · 679 words · kenno