Playback DVD on SuSE 10.1

In general, almost all DVDs you purchase or rent from the store have encryption embedded them to protect you from copying them. It sounds like a good idea to prevent the piracy. To play back those DVDs, we need the player that could decrypt the encryption back. It’s not problem to play them on Windows operating system, but it is with most Linux operating system such as SuSE 10.1, Debian, etc....

November 3, 2006 · 1 min · 123 words · kenno

Kernel upgrading breaks my SuSE box

The other day, my SuSE 10.1 notifies that there were updates available including bug fixes and new kernel. I thought it might be convenient if I just click on select all, and update button. So, I did that and went out to school. When I came back home, the update was nicely done. There was no indication to ask me to restart the computer (as most other OSes do), but I thought it’d be good restart it anyway....

November 2, 2006 · 2 min · 243 words · kenno