Connect to Wifi with nmcli

First check if the Wi-Fi device is enabled or not: $ nmcli radio wifi If the output shows that the Wi-Fi is disabled, then it can be enabled with: $ nmcli radio wifi on If we already know the access point, then skip the following step. Otherwise, to identify the access points, run: $ nmcli dev wifi list Supposed we want to connect to the access point named ’totoro’, and the password is ’t0t0r02023’, we can connect to it by running the following command:...

July 23, 2023 · 1 min · 151 words · kenno

Configure Interface Teaming Using Nmcli

If you want to know what is Network Teaming, please check out this link. In this post, I’m going to just list all the commands required to setup a team interface. Let’s list the available network interfaces I have on my server. $ nmcli dev status DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION enp1s0 ethernet connected enp1s0 enp7s0 ethernet connected student virbr0 bridge connected (externally) virbr0 enp8s0 ethernet disconnected -- enp9s0 ethernet disconnected -- lo loopback unmanaged -- virbr0-nic tun unmanaged -- From the above output, you probably can guess that I’m going to use enp8s0 and enp9s0 to create a team network interface....

August 31, 2021 · 5 min · 884 words · kenno

Auto Connect to Hidden Wifi With Networkmanger

If you’re here to find out how to setup network connection to hidden wifi access point, you might want to check this post: How to Connect to Hidden Wifi Using nmcli instead. This post documents how I fix an issue of wifi connection on a laptop running Gentoo to a hidden access point. The problem is that the wifi connection doesn’t automatically connect despite I’ve set the autoconnect.connection yes. ❯ nmcli con show CamBlue | grep -i autoconnect connection....

December 21, 2020 · 2 min · 270 words · kenno

Installing FreeIPA on CentOS 8

This is my note about installing FreeIPA on a CentOS 8 machine. It’s a bit different from the FreeIPA’s installation on CentOS 7, and most importantly there was a problem I came across during the installation and how to fix it. Configure Static IP [root@utility ~]# nmcli con mod enp1s0 ipv4.addresses \ > ipv4.method manual \ > ipv4.gateway \ > ipv4.dns \ > connection.autoconnect yes [root@utility ~]# nmcli con up enp1s0 Ensure the hostname of this server exists in /etc/hosts....

November 24, 2020 · 4 min · 721 words · kenno

How to Connect to Hidden Wifi Using nmcli

Today I need to setup a wifi connection on a laptop to my home network with hidden SSID. Like so many things that I only have to do it once in a while, I couldn’t remember how to do it. So this blog post is something to remind me in the future should I need to do it agian. Here is one way to do it, thanks to this Stack Overflow question....

January 15, 2019 · 1 min · 188 words · kenno