IPv6 addr-gen-mode = default - But what is that default value?

On Fedora 38, the version of NetworkMnager is 1.42.8, and the “default” setting for ipv6.add-gen-mode is default. The possible value for ipv6.add-gen-mode is eui64, stable-privacy, default-or-eui64, and default. This blog post is my attempt to understand a bit more about this IPv6 setting addr-gen-mode. On my workstation, the NetworkManager connection in use in this post is called br0. Here are are some commands to display the version number of NetworkManager and the (default) current setting of ipv6....

September 17, 2023 · 4 min · 848 words · kenno

Auto Connect to Hidden Wifi With Networkmanger

If you’re here to find out how to setup network connection to hidden wifi access point, you might want to check this post: How to Connect to Hidden Wifi Using nmcli instead. This post documents how I fix an issue of wifi connection on a laptop running Gentoo to a hidden access point. The problem is that the wifi connection doesn’t automatically connect despite I’ve set the autoconnect.connection yes. ❯ nmcli con show CamBlue | grep -i autoconnect connection....

December 21, 2020 · 2 min · 270 words · kenno

How to Connect to Hidden Wifi Using nmcli

Today I need to setup a wifi connection on a laptop to my home network with hidden SSID. Like so many things that I only have to do it once in a while, I couldn’t remember how to do it. So this blog post is something to remind me in the future should I need to do it agian. Here is one way to do it, thanks to this Stack Overflow question....

January 15, 2019 · 1 min · 188 words · kenno

How to renew DHCP lease with NetworkManager

Traditionally, we use dhclient to release and renew DHCP lease on Linux. It probably still work with modern Linux distros nowadays. However, most distros come with NetworkManager which provides nmcli command line interface to manage networking. Here’s how to renew DHCP lease using nmcli performing on my machine. Your output when running these commands could be different. First, let’s list the connections managed by NetworkManager. # nmcli con NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE virbr0 2c2c7c4f-15e9-439b-be1d-e1d0131fb41c bridge virbr0 Wired connection 1 5c9000c5-2635-4b09-90d7-71c3783c6626 802-3-ethernet enp0s25 enp0s25 70ee0b94-8341-46ec-953d-f2c3ca34285a 802-3-ethernet -- virbr0-nic aafaa95e-6ced-4ea9-bd4f-7c8d10fb51b6 generic virbr0-nic Next, we can find out the current IP associated with enp0s25 by running command:...

March 17, 2016 · 1 min · 208 words · kenno