Delete ElastiCache Redis Cluster Using AWS CLI

Once upon a time there exist an ElastiCache Redis cluster that I no longer needed. I know that the cluster could be deleted via ElastiCache web console. However, as a command-line addict as myself, I wanted to use AWS CLI to delete the cluster instead. Well, actually this is my first time trying to delete an ElastiCache cluster using the CLI. I’m going to try to document how I do this, and what mistakes I’d make a long the way....

July 3, 2024 · 2 min · 383 words · kenno

How to delete Memcached cluster using AWS CLI

If you have an ElastiCache Memcached cluster that you no longer need, it’s better to delete it. Dno’t believe me? Even AWS said so too: It is almost always a good idea to delete clusters that you are not actively using. Until a cluster’s status is deleted, you continue to incur charges for it. [1] Well, I have a Memcached cluster that I don’t need anymore. But instead of deleting this cluster using AWS console [1], I’m going to do this via AWS CLI....

September 29, 2023 · 2 min · 326 words · kenno