Update Firmware on Netcom NF18ACV to NC2-R6B021

I like to keep the firmware running on all my devices up to date. New firmware is released to do to main things: fixing bugs and feature enhancing. Today, I just found out that the modem/router provided by my ISP is running and out of date firmware. The installed firmware is NF18ACV.NC.AU-R6B016.EN released on 2018/05/14. There have been a few new versions of firmware released between then and now, with the latest version being: NC2-R6B021 released on 2020/11/26....

December 5, 2020 · 3 min · 478 words · kenno

FreeIPA - Adding New User

I have a FreeIPA server with the following information: FreeIPA server: utility.lab.example.com FreeIPA realm: LAB.EXAMPLE.COM FreeIPA domain: lab.example.com I want to add 2 normal users: User Login: rhvadmin, First Name: RHV, Last Name: Admin, Password: CentOS123^ User Login: normaluser, First Name: Normal, Last Name: User, Password: CentOS123^ [root@utility ~]# ipa user-add rhvadmin --first RHV --last Admin --password Password: CentOS123^ Enter Password again to verify: CentOS123^ --------------------- Added user "rhvadmin" --------------------- User login: rhvadmin First name: RHV Last name: Admin Full name: RHV Admin Display name: RHV Admin Initials: RA Home directory: /home/rhvadmin GECOS: RHV Admin Login shell: /bin/sh Principal name: rhvadmin@LAB....

December 4, 2020 · 2 min · 241 words · kenno

Attaching a Disk to KVM Guest on Command Line

Again, just a quick note to remind myself how to attach a disk to a VM guest from the command line. The following steps is based on these assumptions: A spare disk: an LVM volume name db2_data on data volume group The name/domain of the VM is db2 List the name of the VM guest and available logical volume. [root@mathvm5 ~]# virsh list | grep db2 20 db2 running [root@mathvm5 ~]# lvs | grep db2 db2 vm -wi-ao---- 80....

December 2, 2020 · 1 min · 170 words · kenno

FreeIPA - Adding New DNS Record

I have a FreeIPA server with the following information. FreeIPA server: utility.lab.example.com FreeIPA realm: LAB.EXAMPLE.COM FreeIPA domain: lab.example.com. I want to insert a few DNS records: hosta.lab.example.com - hostb.lab.example.com - hostc.lab.example.com - hostd.lab.example.com - bastion.lab.example.com - And I’d like to use the command line to do this. Acquire the admin’s Kerberos ticket. [root@utility ~]# kinit admin Password for admin@LAB.EXAMPLE.COM: List the DNS zones. [root@utility ~]# ipa dnszone-find Zone name: 250....

December 1, 2020 · 3 min · 487 words · kenno

Dell Latitude 7400 System BIOS 1.11.1

Dell just released a new BIOS firmware of the Latitude 7400 series. This firmware was released on 23 Nov 2020. Fixes: Modified the default settings of the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver. Firmware updates to address the Intel Technical Advisory INTEL-TA-00391 (CVE-2020-8753, CVE-2020-8745, CVE-2020-8705, CVE-2020-8757, CVE-2020-8756, CVE-2020-8760, CVE-2020-8751, CVE-2020-8754, CVE-2020-8747, CVE-2020-8746, CVE-2020-8749 CVE-2020-8752, CVE-2020-12303, CVE-2020-12355, and CVE-2020-12356). Firmware updates to address the Intel Security Advisory INTEL-SA-00358 (CVE-2020-0587, CVE-2020-0591, CVE-2020-0592, and CVE-2020-0593)....

November 28, 2020 · 1 min · 212 words · kenno