How to convert putty ppk to pem on macOS

Assuming that you use brew on your macOS, converting a ppk file to pem file is relatively easy. Install putty on your mac ➜ brew install putty Generate the key ➜ puttygen existing_key.ppk -O private-openssh -o new_key.pem Here are the options used in above command: -O private-openssh : save the output as a SSH-2 private key -o new_key.pem : save the output to new_key.pem Full credit go to this blog post [1], where I had learned to convert a PPK to PEM file....

March 28, 2024 · 1 min · 96 words · kenno

How to deploy Uptime Kuma on kubernetes

I’ve been running Uptime Kuma on a podman-container for a long time with no problem. Recently, though, I’ve been running a mini Kubernetes cluster at home, and decided to move this conatainer to the same cluster. The following is to document how I deploy Uptime Kuma on a Kubernetes cluster. As I’m new to Kubernetes world, I broke down the tasks I need to do in 6 pieces: $ ls -1 1....

March 15, 2024 · 2 min · 416 words · kenno

How to attach instance profile on EC2 with cli

This is a quick note to remind me on how to attach or associate an instance profile (IAM role) to an EC2 instance using AWS CLI. In this example, I already have a running EC2 instance i-0357ecc1111111111 running. I want to attach a new instance profile called SSMInstanceProfile to this instance. But as we all know, only one instance profile can be associated with an EC2 instance at one time. So, let’s check to see if our instance already has one attached:...

March 5, 2024 · 2 min · 391 words · kenno

Transform SSL cert to inline format

We all know that the content of SSL CRT and KEY is a long string of characters broken by new line characters. If we want to use those SSL .crt and .key files with Kubernetes as a TLS secret, they required to be encoded as base64 and be in one-line. How to do this? Well, there are at least two ways. The first one is my favorite: $ base64 -w0 drone....

February 27, 2024 · 1 min · 125 words · kenno

Set Alacritty default dimensions TOML version

I have previously posted a similar topic on how to set the default dimension for Alacritty at launch. However, recently, Alacritty switched to TOML for its configuration. Here is the setting needs to be added to ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml: [window.dimensions] columns = 133 lines = 40 Reference:

February 14, 2024 · 1 min · 46 words · kenno