How to delete one word backward in Vim

The following is a sample of text opening in vim/neovim with line numbers: 1 What would be the command to delete one word backwards? 2 I know we can use ‘db’ to delete backword, and it would work 3 as what I wanted if the cursor is on the last character. Assuming that my cursor is under letter ‘a’ of the word ‘command’ in line 1, and I want to delete the whole word ‘command’....

August 8, 2023 · 2 min · 322 words · kenno

Query Latest Debian 12 AMI Id Using AWS SSM Parameter Store

Debian publishes their releases of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for bookworm at Debian bookworm on Amazon EC2 [1]. There, you can find the AMIs for various regions and two architecture amd64 and arm64. Another way to search for AMI for Debian 12 (bookworm) is to use AWS CLI with describe-images. Here is an example on how to list the 3 most recent AMIs of Debian 12 (amd64 architecture), sorted by most recent to the oldest:...

August 5, 2023 · 2 min · 365 words · kenno

Installing Jellyfin Media Player on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

As of today, Jellyfin Media Player is not available on (official?) repos for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. To install it, I need to first add a repository, kind of like Fedora Copr, which provides this package. $ sudo zypper addrepo [sudo] password for root: Adding repository 'home:playablepliable (openSUSE_Tumbleweed)' ......................................[done] Repository 'home:playablepliable (openSUSE_Tumbleweed)' successfully added URI : Enabled : Yes GPG Check : Yes Autorefresh : No Priority : 99 (default priority) Repository priorities are without effect....

July 29, 2023 · 3 min · 514 words · kenno

Connect to Wifi with nmcli

First check if the Wi-Fi device is enabled or not: $ nmcli radio wifi If the output shows that the Wi-Fi is disabled, then it can be enabled with: $ nmcli radio wifi on If we already know the access point, then skip the following step. Otherwise, to identify the access points, run: $ nmcli dev wifi list Supposed we want to connect to the access point named ’totoro’, and the password is ’t0t0r02023’, we can connect to it by running the following command:...

July 23, 2023 · 1 min · 151 words · kenno

Changing Permalink in Hugo

This post is related to the previous one about changing a theme in Hugo. After I changed the theme to “PaperMod”, I realized that each article or blog post is under ‘post/date’ URL path. For example, the following is the permanent link/path of a post: Previously, there was no word post in the URL path, and I still want it gone again with this new theme, as below. The problem is, I forgot how it was done!...

July 15, 2023 · 1 min · 147 words · kenno