I’ve been using SuSE 10.1 for just about a month. The previous linux distro I used was Debian, so the rpm package concept is pretty new to me. I’ve heard of it before, but never got to use or play with it. With Debian, we have a very easy way to install or upgrade packages: apt-get, of course.

Anyway, I just upgraded the Amarok 1.3.8 to version 1.4.1. It wasn’t easy initially as I tried to upgrade each package of dependency separately. Fortunately, I found a good site that explains how to do this step by step. The following is the summary:

  1. Download all these packages: amarok, amarok-xine, libgpod, xine-lib
  2. Become root, and issue this commands:
rpm -Uvh amarok-Uvh amarok-1.4.1-37.1.i586.rpm amarok-xine-1.4.1-37.1.i586.rpm libgpod-0.3.2-4.i586.rpm libxine1-1.1.2-0.pm.0.i586.rpm

More detail information can be found here.