My USBAsp dongle arrived from China. It’s connected to the ISCP pins on an Arduino Nano, and also plugged to a computer via USB connection.

According to lots of intructions on the Internet, to upload a sketch to an Arduino, we need to do the following:

  • Tools -> Programmer -> USBasp
  • File -> Upload Using Programmer

Unfortunatly it did not work. Here is the error message produced by Arduino IDE:

To fix this, we need to add a udev rule to allow a normal user accessing the USBasp dongle. Let’s create a file with the following name: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-USBasp.rules:

Ensure that your account is in group ‘plugdev’. I believe you can change the GROUP=”adm” to a different one to suit your situation. Then unplug the USBasp dongle, reconnect it and try to upload the sketch again.

It worked for me and should work for you too.
