This evening I need to extract a file with .7z extension. Guess what? I don’t know how to do that. I probably don’t even have 7zip program installed on my Fedora machine.

Here’s something to remind myself how to get it working.

First let’s find out what package we need to install:

So, it seems we need to install p7zip.

Okay. What is the command to run? My guess is that there should be one or two file in /usr/bin.

Ah ha, it’s 7za. Now we can check its man page on how to extract file. I don’t have to remind me to type man 7za, do I?

To extract a .7z file with full path use the x function letter. For example:

If you use Debian based system, you probably need to install the same package name (p7zip) using apt or aptitude command instead. The command to extract file should be just the same.