Every time there is a new release of Linux distro, I need to create a bootable USB. And, I forgot how I did it last time. So, I tried by using the “Startup Disk Creator” program installed on my Ubuntu workstation, only to find out that it didn’t even work.

After a while I remember, it was just a matter of using dd command to copy the ISO image to the USB.

Here is how I did it last time for Fedora 24:

My USB is showed up as /dev/sdx, and the ISO image is: Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-24-1.2.iso.

$ sudo dd if=./Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-24-1.2.iso of=/dev/sdx \
bs=8M status=progress oflag=direct
[sudo] password for kenno:
1541406720 bytes (1.5 GB, 1.4 GiB) copied, 648.041 s, 2.4 MB/s
183+1 records in
183+1 records out
1541406720 bytes (1.5 GB, 1.4 GiB) copied, 650.655 s, 2.4 MB/s

That’s all I had to do. A few words of warning; make sure you double check the name of USB device detected by your counter. In my case, it was /dev/sdc, but I used /dev/sdx as an example.

For more details check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_and_use_Live_USB.