Again, just a quick note to remind myself how to attach a disk to a VM guest from the command line.
The following steps is based on these assumptions:
- A spare disk: an LVM volume name db2_data on data volume group
- The name/domain of the VM is db2
List the name of the VM guest and available logical volume.
[root@mathvm5 ~]# virsh list | grep db2
20 db2 running
[root@mathvm5 ~]# lvs | grep db2
db2 vm -wi-ao---- 80.00g
db2_data vm -wi-a----- 128.00g
Run virsh attach-disk command to attach a disk to a VM. Notice that –persistent option is passed to the command so that this new disk will be permanently attached to the VM.
[root@mathvm5 ~]# virsh attach-disk --domain db2 /dev/mapper/vm-db2_data \
> --target vdb --persistent --config --live
Disk attached successfully
Verify on the db2 server:
[root@db2 lib]# udisksctl status
VirtIO Disk vda
QEMU DVD-ROM 1.5. QM00001 sr0
VirtIO Disk vdb
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