
I’ve been very bored, doing nothing interesting, and at the same time my programming skill is no longer as polished as before. I was kinda panic, and then I realize that if I don’t wanna lose the skill, I better continue coding. A while back, I wrote a code that generate the batch-link of website addresses. Example, I wanna grab all the images at a website from: http://www.example.com/image01.jpg to http://www.example.com/image10.jpg. In a simple way, we can just copy and paste, then change the number from 01 to 10....

July 1, 2006 · 2 min · 256 words · kenno

VS 2005 project is not rebuilt despite changes in source code

Having fixed a problem with Visual Studio (VS) 2005 the other day, there is still another problem. The project does not recompiled/rebuilt automatically after the souce codes of some files have been changed. Usually, if we make changes to the souce code, those files will be recompiled if we press Ctrl+F5 or F5. At first I thought this could be the new behavior/feature in VS 2005. But after discussing with a buddy of mine who’s currently using VS 2005 for his assignment, he told me that VS 2005 should rebuild the code automatically....

June 27, 2006 · 1 min · 181 words · kenno

“The Binding Handle Is Invalid” error in Visual Studio 2005

Tonight is the first time I began to code a small program in C# again since my graduation in April ‘06. It’s just because I was away from Windows PC, and it’s not easy do a GUI application with Mono on Mac. So it’s not that I hate C# or anything. Anyway, I just installed Visual Studio .Net 2005 Profession edition (non-commercial use) on my home PC, and I encountered a never-seen-before (to me at least) error straight away when I tried to debug/build the program....

June 25, 2006 · 1 min · 202 words · kenno

My Linux Phone: e680i

After waiting about four or five months, I finally could get a hold of my new phone. The phone was purchased in Cambodia as a gift from my brothers. I would like to thank three of them who had put some efforts in making my wishes come true. In addition, a big thank also goes to my girlfriend for delivering the phone to me. In fact, e360i phone is a pretty old model....

June 17, 2006 · 1 min · 211 words · kenno

21 June DebSIG

<p class="event-nodeapi"> <p class="flexinode-1-end"> <label>End: </label>2006-06-21 22:00 </p> <p class="event-nodeapi"> <p class="flexinode-1-tz"> <label>Timezone: </label>Australia/Sydney </p> <p class="flexinode-1-tz"> &nbsp; </p> <p class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"> <p class="flexinode-textfield-4"> <p class="form-item"> <b><label>Location:</label></b><br /> Cohi Bar, 359 Harbourside, Darling Harbour, Sydney </p> <p class="flexinode-textarea-2"> <p class="form-item"> <b><label><br /> Description:</label></b><br /> At this month's DebSIG, having wrestled with automated installations recently, Matt Palmer will share his hard-won experience with Instalinux, preseeding, kickstart, and the debian-installer &#8212; both how they work, and how they can be customised to do all manner of unnatural things....

June 11, 2006 · 1 min · 87 words · kenno