htop - an interactive process viewer for Linux

Just browsed around through Linux blogs and I came across an interesting tool “htop” posted at Linux and Open Source Blog. What is htop? It’s an interactive process viewer for Linux. It’s very similar to top, however htop enables you to scroll the list vertically or horizontally; as well as supporting mouse operation. To install htop on Debian/Ubuntu distros, run this command: $ sudo apt-get install htop For openSUSE 10.2, you probably can install it with Yast, but I like smart:...

October 21, 2007 · 1 min · 86 words · kenno

Install OpenOffice Khmer Spell Checker on Debian

Finally, the amazing team from KhmerOS has realeased the Khmer Spell Checker (KSC) for OpenOffice. Here is the instruction for installing KSC on Debian (Lenny) system. Download the package from: Unzip it: $ unzip Change to that directory: $ cd Khmer Spellchecker v1.0/ Become the super user: $ su Password: (enter your root password) Copy two files: km_KH.aff km_KH.dic to OOo’s dict directory: # cp km_* /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo The above directory could be slighty different from one system to another....

September 7, 2007 · 2 min · 247 words · kenno

Resume broken download with Wget

 $ wget <strong>-c</strong> The -c(ontinuous) option allows Wget to resume a partial download. Source: Geek to Live: Mastering Wget Wget resume broken download

September 5, 2007 · 1 min · 24 words · kenno

Compiling C# Souce Code as a Dynamic Link Library

The following is the command to compile dllsource.cs as a dynamic link library instead of the executable file: $ mcs /target:library dllsource.cs We can also specify a different name of the binary with the /out option. For example: $ mcs /target:library /out:mylibrary.dll dllsource.cs Finally, if we want to compile a souce which depends on a dll file, we need to use the /reference option. $ mcs example.cs /reference:mylibrary.dll Note: mcs is the mono compiler....

February 16, 2007 · 1 min · 85 words · kenno

Sum of elements in list in Prolog

Recently I noticed that my prolog skill is becoming rusty for not putting it work for very long. For this reason, I’m going to randomly write some prolog snippets here and there. Let’s started with one predicate called “sum_list” which calculate the value of all elements in a list. `% The sum of all elements in list in prolog To run/test the above code, save it to a file called: list_sum....

February 4, 2007 · 1 min · 116 words · kenno