PHP: number of days between two dates

It’s Saturday, what am I doing in front of the computer? I should be out and enjoy life. ^o^ A colleague asked to customize a theme for his blog using WordPress. Because I didn’t have any good plan this Saturday, learning PHP sound like a logical and useful choice. Well, I bribed myself with a bottle of Tui. Then, I found an interesting PHP related post by Chorn Sokun entitled “PHP date diff“....

July 4, 2009 · 2 min · 240 words · kenno

Relocate the URL of SVN Repository

Recently, SVN has been installed on a local Debian box at work. This could have been done a bit earlier in my opinion, but well it’s better be a little late than never. The SVN server is accessed via a LAN ip: Because we didn’t setup static IP on the router, the IP of the server keeps changing from time to time. Here’s how one can change or relocate to the new URL....

February 6, 2009 · 1 min · 99 words · kenno

HOWTO add user to sudoers list in Debian/Ubuntu

You need to have root access to do that. So the first step to become root with the following command: ken@debian:~$ su<br /> Password:<br /> debian:/home/ken# visudo<br /> Now you can add a username to the list. For example: <br /> ken ALL=(ALL) ALL<br /> Save the file to complete the process. Credit: Ubuntu Forum

January 27, 2009 · 1 min · 55 words · kenno

Vim Tip: Insert Time-Stamp

To insert time-stamp in a file, you can exit from edit mode and type: :r! date

August 3, 2006 · 1 min · 16 words · kenno