
I need to setup vim-youcompleteme to get real-time completion for write Golang code. Assuming that this part has been completed first: $ cd ~/.vim/bundle $ git clone Here’s how vim-youcompleteme is installed/enabled on Ubuntu 14.04: $ sudo apt-get install vim-addon-manager vim-youcompleteme $ vam install youcompleteme Note: vam is short for the vim-addon-manager. Reference:

December 5, 2014 · 1 min · 55 words · kenno

Android Studio Cannot Resolve Symbol R

I just got this problem today when I opened an Android project with Android Studio. Basically, anywhere there’s a reference to R, for example R.layout.footer_view, Android Studio will complain that it cannot resolve symbol R. The fix is surprisingly easy. All I need to do was running Gradle clean and Gradle build. Ref:

November 25, 2014 · 1 min · 54 words · kenno

Installing Linux Mint 17 on Virtualbox

You may or may not have problem installing Linux Mint 17 on VirtualBox depending on the setting of your Virtualbox VM. I had this problem and took me a while to fix it. Basically, ensure that you set the system memory of your VM to be larger than 512MB, otherwise you might see black screen after booting your VM from the Mint DVD installation. Once the installation is finished, feel free to reduce the VM’s system memory to 512MB or smaller....

October 21, 2014 · 1 min · 81 words · kenno

Progamming Arduino using USBasp on Ubuntu

My USBAsp dongle arrived from China. It’s connected to the ISCP pins on an Arduino Nano, and also plugged to a computer via USB connection. According to lots of intructions on the Internet, to upload a sketch to an Arduino, we need to do the following: Tools -> Programmer -> USBasp File -> Upload Using Programmer Unfortunatly it did not work. Here is the error message produced by Arduino IDE:...

September 13, 2014 · 1 min · 147 words · kenno

Python: How to convert a list to a string

There must already exist a gazillion articles about how to do this; but one more won’t hurt, right? Suppose you have a list, called alist, as the following: In [2]: alist Out[2]: ['apple', 'banana', 'pear'] To create a string from “alist” with a comma separator, we can do this: In [3]: ','.join(alist) Out[3]: 'apple,banana,pear' Basically, you can place a desired separator in the ',' or omit it totally. Reference:

August 2, 2014 · 1 min · 70 words · kenno