Fedora 23/24 gcc: error: /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1

While updating Ansible pip package on Fedora 24 today, I got the following error message I believe I came across this problem before when I installed a ruby gem on Centos 6 a short while back. Unfortunately, I already forgot how I’d solved it. So here’s a note to remind myself or anyone who’s having the same issue. We need to install a package called: redhat-rpm-config. Ref: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-gate/+bug/1424582 How to upgrade SciPy on Fedora 23

May 15, 2016 · 1 min · 75 words · kenno

Fedora 23: Ansible util.am_i_root():NameError: global name 'util' is not defined

If you see a similar error message as the following when running Ansible on a Fedora 23 machines, there is an easy fix. It is very likely that a package “python2-dnf” is missing. This package is required for Python script to interact with DNF package manager. There is a good article available at fedoramagazine.org about running Ansible on Fedora 23. (I only found this later, and it’s very informative.)

February 28, 2016 · 1 min · 69 words · kenno

Docker with OverlayFS on Ubuntu 15.10

As of today, the default storage for Docker on (K)Ubuntu 15.10 is AUFS. I want to switch it to OverlayFS. Personally, I’m still new to Docker, but I did hear that OverlayFS is better than AUFS. You can read more about OverlayFS here. Anyway, the purpose of this post is how to switch OverlayFS and avoid head-scratching. On Ubuntu 15.10 (wily), one can start/stop services either using Upstart or systemd. Since I want to get more accustomed to using systemd, I’ve been trying to use it anywhere possible....

December 26, 2015 · 2 min · 366 words · kenno

Puppet service resource provider

Well, first of all I think the title of this post won’t entirely reflect its content. However, I need to go ahead and post this now. At work, We’ve been having issues with cups service not running on some Kubuntu 14.04 desktops. This should not happen since even if cups service is dead, we have Puppet agent running on each machine to check and make sure that ‘cups’ is running else will be automatically restarted....

December 16, 2015 · 2 min · 278 words · kenno

ERROR: could not insert ‘nvidia_352’: Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

This is my third time having problem installing Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu (14.04). What’s worse is that I could not remember how I fixed them last time. Hope this blog post will prevent me from pulling my hair out for the 4th time. So, I installed Nvidia driver as usual: After it’s finished, I tried to load the module: Well, it turned out that I need to also install another linux-image package: linux-image-extra-3....

December 1, 2015 · 1 min · 105 words · kenno