How to tell which Linux distro you’re running

Update: Thanks to Jayen, there is a better way: $ lsb_release -a<br /> No LSB modules are available.<br /> Distributor ID: Ubuntu<br /> Description: Ubuntu 9.10<br /> Release: 9.10<br /> Codename: karmic<br /> — $ cat /etc/issue<br /> Debian GNU/Linux squeeze/sid n l<br /> Or <br /> $ cat /proc/version<br /> Linux version 2.6.32-trunk-686 (Debian 2.6.32-5) ( (gcc version 4.3.4 (Debian 4.3.4-6) ) #1 SMP Sun Jan 10 06:32:16 UTC 2010<br /> Source: Which Linux Distro are you using?...

February 3, 2010 · 1 min · 79 words · kenno

Enable mp3 playback with Amarok on Ubuntu 9.10

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop. When I tried to play some mp3 files with Amarok 2.2.0, it didn’t make any sound though it played ogg without a problem. Thanks to this post, mp3 play back can be enabled by installing libxine1-ffmpeg. Credit: How to Play mp3 files with amarok in Ubuntu Linux 9.04

January 22, 2010 · 1 min · 56 words · kenno

Convert wav to m4a with GNU/Linux

There are probably a gazillion ways to do this. I use FAAC, Freeware Advanced Audio Coder, to do this job. It works very well: <br /> faac originalfile.wav -o outputfile.m4a<br />

July 27, 2009 · 1 min · 31 words · kenno

Import photos from iPhone without iPhoto

So how do you transfer your photos from the iPhone 3G to your laptop running OS X if you don’t have iPhoto app? — Easy, just use the buit in app called Image Capture. The app can be run from: Finder -> Applications -> Image Capture Now, you can either download some or all photos by clicking on either one of the bottons as shown in the screenshot. Remember that you should have the iPhone connected to your copmuter, otherwise you would see the message saying the no device found or connected....

July 3, 2009 · 1 min · 102 words · kenno

Relocate the URL of SVN Repository

Recently, SVN has been installed on a local Debian box at work. This could have been done a bit earlier in my opinion, but well it’s better be a little late than never. The SVN server is accessed via a LAN ip: Because we didn’t setup static IP on the router, the IP of the server keeps changing from time to time. Here’s how one can change or relocate to the new URL....

February 6, 2009 · 1 min · 99 words · kenno