How to Update Packages on Arch Linux

Finally, I got Arch installed on my ThinkPad X220. This also means that I will need to learn how to install and update software from scratch again. But that’s the fun part, isn’t it? :) Like many other distros, before we can update the installed packages, we need to update the software database (i.e. updated list from the repositories): [root@tora ~]# pacman -Syy Note the above command is similar to apt-get update in Debian/Ubuntu....

December 7, 2019 · 1 min · 173 words · kenno

Destroying Unknown Status Pod in OpenShift

Here’s a quick tip to remove an OpenShift pod with “Unknown” status. Suppose this is the output when I run oc get pods: ~ ❯❯❯ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE dothe-4-bjq8v 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5h dothe-4-ghttj 1/1 Unknown 0 15h ~ ❯❯❯ oc delete pod dothe-4-ghttj pod "dothe-4-ghttj" deleted ~ ❯❯❯ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE dothe-4-bjq8v 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5h dothe-4-ghttj 1/1 Unknown 0 15h Let’s try deleting the bad pod again with --force option:...

May 17, 2019 · 2 min · 227 words · kenno

Fedora 30 Beta With ZFS Support

Up until today, I have been running Fedora 29 with the kernel 4.9. The current version of the kernel on Fedora 29 is 5.0. However, I had to stick with the 4.20 version for a very long while due to a thing I did a short while back. So what is that thing? Well, at one point ZFS (stable) no stopped working with the new kernel on Fedora 29. At then, I had a choice to either keep running older version of the kernel or trying out the new version of ZFS (testing)....

April 18, 2019 · 2 min · 380 words · kenno

Install Lmod on Gentoo

Lmod is not available in Gentoo’s portage. This blog post will document how I got Lmod installed on my Gentoo machine. First requirement is to install lua. I picked lua 5.2 as I had problem when experimenting with Lua 5.1. To install lua-5.2.3 from portage, run: # emerge -av =dev-lang/lua-5.2.3 If you have multiple versions of Lua installed, make sure to select this lua 5.2.3 as the default version using eselect:...

February 19, 2019 · 3 min · 442 words · kenno

Autostart a KVM Domain

Again this is a quick note to explain myself how to set a kvm (domain/vm) autostart when the server boots up. To list autostart domains: virsh list --autostart To set a domian, e.g. dhcp1, to autostart: virsh autostart dhcp1 To disable autostart for a domain (e.g. named dhcp1): virsh autostart dhcp1 --disable Ref: KVM: Start a Virtual Machine / Guest At Boot Time

February 13, 2019 · 1 min · 63 words · Kenno